The Team


Founder and Trainer, Clémence enjoys exchanging with people from all walks of life, learning from others and being able to teach others.

Initially an information systems consultant, Clémence started her Agile journey some time ago as a Scrum Master where she met Mark.

Since then, she has also been able to take on the role of Product Owner and continues her path to grow further.

Just as Mark was able to do with her, she wants to be able to pass on her knowledge and exchange with other enthusiasts.


Founder and Coach, Mark’s mission is to serve others to guide towards a better future.

He started as a developer, today he is a passionate Trainer and a Professional Coach. he is also an experienced Agile Coach, a seasoned Scrum Master, and expert Facilitator.

Mark fosters a team spirit in the broadest sense around agile teams. He brings people together to instill collective strength and centralises gravity around business value and continuous improvement.